Welcome to my website!
This website exists to provide clients and potential clients with information concerning my unique, low-pressure approach to personal and professional services. I have an excellent client-retention rate, and I am extremely proud of the high-quality services that my firm provides.
Mention visiting my website and receive $20.00 off your income tax preparation fees in 2024.
I offer discounts for senior citizens, military and students. I also have a referral program – with every paid client that says you referred them, you receive a $20.00 gift card as a thank you from me. I welcome new clients and appreciate your referrals.
Provide a current email address and you can receive tax updates as they become available.
Please, feel free to browse my website to see the services I offer as well as the many helpful resources I provide. When you are ready to learn more about what I can do for you, I encourage you to contact me.